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To celebrate the release of the PAGES Magazine on (paleo)-Earthquakes and Tsunamis in April 2024, PAGES is organizing a webinar in collaboration with some of the authors who contributed to the Special Issue.


A new paper by Sánchez-García C and Schulte L has been published in Global and Planetary Change on "Historical floods in the southeastern Iberian Peninsula since the 16th century: Trends and regional analysis of extreme flood events"


An email from PaleoEcoGen steering committee member, Linda Armbrecht (University of Tasmania, Australia), has been sent out requesting interest in "working together to “calibrate” Southern Ocean sedaDNA".


The PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) and INQUA Early-Career Researchers are thrilled to announce the 3rd INQUA-PAGES ECR workshop on "Tropical hydroclimate variability in the Quaternary: Insights from proxies and models, and the way forward".


In the PAGES March newsletter, subscribers can find out more about all the upcoming activities by working groups, including the launch of a new working group, new papers, and abstract submissions for upcoming workshops and meetings.


The Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS) working group, now in their 3rd phase, published two new papers in 2023.



Congratulations to the recipients of the EGU Medals and Awards 2024, which have  just been announced.

The medalists and awardees of the Division on Climate: Past, Present & Future (CL) are:

Hans Oeschger Medal 2024


PALSEA-Next, phase 4 of the PALSEA working group, is organizing its first meeting "From mud to models" which will be taking place from 26–28 August at the University of California in Santa Barbara (USA).